The Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) will offers a second round of grant funding to implement strategies supported by the digital inclusion plan, build upon recent activity, and that improve digital equity and inclusion across the Indiana Uplands.
Donor Name: Regional Opportunity Initiatives
State: Indiana
County: Selected Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/13/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Digital Towns Grant program will provide Uplands communities and organizations with resources needed to develop and implement projects and programs to ensure Uplands citizens can participate fully in a digital society.
Digital inclusion is not limited to broadband expansion. Successful digital inclusion ensures everyone has access to affordable internet connectivity that meets the needs of households, local governments, and businesses. It also is a vehicle for ensuring that individuals and organizations have reliable and appropriate devices and sufficient digital skills/ literacy to fully participate and prosper in the digital age. Examples of the type of strategies a community might adopt to advance digital literacy include but are not limited to:
- Establishing and/or expanding community-based or governmental social media and website presence,
- Assisting local businesses with technical resources and/or training to expand their e-commerce opportunities,
- libraries administering device loan programs, or access to digital resources and training.
- digital skill-building classes.
Program Goals
The goal of this initiative is to financially support projects or programs that align with the strategies outlined in the Indiana Uplands Digital Inclusion Plan and as outlined below:
- The main objective of the Digital Towns Grant Program is the advancement of a more digitally inclusive region by adopting and integrating digital information and communication in all aspects of the communities. For the purpose of this grant program, ROI will focus on the following themes:
- Digital Citizens – helping households connect to the internet, access devices and grow competence in usage of digital technologies to engage in internet services, e-commerce, educational opportunities, digital public services, and healthcare services
- Digital Public Services – supporting collaborations between local units of government, nonprofits, and/or health care services to provide access to online information and/or services, and telehealth access points
- Digital Business – partnering with businesses and entrepreneurs to maximize opportunities in the digital economy
- Grants are intended to increase the digital capabilities of the region by providing funding for relevant professional services, training, digital products, equipment/hardware, or other products and services that advance digital inclusion and prosperity.
Funding Information
Applicants can apply for a grant in any amount between $5,000 – $50,000. Projects with a regional scope, serving all 11 counties of the Uplands, can apply for up to $75,000.
Geographic Areas
The Indiana Uplands region is an 11-county area that encompasses Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen and Washington counties.
Eligibility Criteria
- Incorporated cities and towns
- County commissions and councils
- Libraries
- Nonprofits, including foundations, agencies, and hospitals
- Public education institutions, including pre-K, K-12, and post-secondary
- Faith-based organizations
- Main Street organizations
- Chambers of commerce and economic development organizations that have an affiliated 501(c)3
- Organizations/programs that help business/entrepreneurs.
For more information, visit ROI.