The Pennsylvania Shooting Range Improvement Grant Program is designed to provide financial support to Pennsylvania’s aging shooting range infrastructure.
Donor Name: Pennsylvania Game Commission
State: Pennsylvania
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/01/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 5-10 Years
The purpose of the SRIP grant is to bring life into aging infrastructure while creating opportunities for more access for new members. The PGC is proud of state’s hunting and shooting heritage and is here to work together to ensure the future is bright for the next generation.
Many states have been leaders in the development of ranges on state-owned properties for several years. According to those states, agency range development has been beneficial in many ways including:
- Increased use of state lands.
- Decreased firearms-related vandalism in those areas with developed and accessible ranges.
- Local citizen support and appreciation.
- Increased generated funds.
- Enhanced user support of the hunting and shooting sports.
Program Goals
- Increase public access to private and club-type facilities.
- Enhance shooting range facility availability or quality to the public.
- Enhance public safety and environmental stewardship.
- Enhance facilities available for the Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education Program.
- Provide funding to shooting facilities that have not received grants previously.
Program Tiers
The Shooting Range Improvement Program will have a tier structure within the application for funding of projects after completion of the one-year pilot program. It will include three separate tiers based on the grant amount and useful life of the project for providing deliverables.
- Tier One Projects (Pilot year 2024, Max $30,000) will be a grant amount up to $50,000 with a useful life of five years.
- Deliverables for tier one:
- PGC signage of program funding
- One youth field day per year or two hunter/shooter education classes
- 10 public days per calendar year (matches, tournaments, sight in days, open house event)
- Deliverables for tier one:
- Tier Two Projects will be a grant amount between $50,000 to $250,000 with a useful life of 10 years.
- Deliverables for tier two:
- PGC signage of program funding.
- One youth field day per year or two hunter/shooter education classes.
- 20 public days per calendar year (matches, tournaments, sight in days, open house event).
- Deliverables for tier two:
- Tier Three Projects will be a grant amount of $250,000 and up with a useful life of 15 years.
- Deliverables for tier three:
- PGC signage of program funding.
- One youth field day.
- Minimum 3 hunter/shooter education.
- 25 public days per calendar year (matches, tournaments, sight in days, open house event).
- Deliverables for tier three:
Eligible Projects
- Projects for rifle, handgun, shotgun, skeet, and trap ranges should be designed to standards found in National Rifle Association (NRA) Range Source Book, a Guide to Planning and Construction or the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) website.
- For archery ranges, design information is available on websites for the Archery Trade Association, the National Field Archery Association, and other organizations.
- Design may also mirror PGC state game land ranges.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants who are eligible to apply for SRIP grants are existing shooting ranges, shooting clubs, recreational shooting organizations, archery clubs, and education groups. Applicants must demonstrate public use of current facilities. Examples of public use of facilities include public range times, educational outreach/trainings, or organized shooting competitions. Retail ranges are not eligible to apply for this program.
For more information, visit Pennsylvania Game Commission.