The Greater Salina Community Foundation is accepting applications for its Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education & Development.
Donor Name: Greater Salina Community Foundation
State: Kansas
County: Ottawa County (KS), Saline County (KS)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/15/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education and Development was established by Mark and Jane Berkley to better prepare children in Ottawa and Saline Counties for kindergarten.
According to the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, helping all children start school ready to learn is critical to their future success and to the well-being of society as a whole. Children who start school behind their peers are unlikely to catch up. Children who enter kindergarten with limited word reading skills are the most likely to develop later reading difficulties and require remedial education.
Studies show that early schooling has enormous benefits. Children who enter kindergarten ready to learn are less likely to need special-education services and more likely to graduate. After leaving school, they are more likely to be employed and less likely to be on welfare.
The funds support:
- Organizations or programs whose work furthers the care, education, development, health, safety and human service needs of children ages 0-6 to better prepare them for kindergarten.
- Special consideration will be given to programs or organizations that work with children in poverty or with other significant barriers to learning.
Eligibility Criteria
Grants are limited to projects in Ottawa and Saline County, KS.
For more information, visit GSCF.