The County of San Diego is piloting a new Equity Impact Grant (EIG) program in partnership with the Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego (NPI) to address community feedback about the challenges that small, grassroots organizations led by people of color experience when applying for government contracts and philanthropic funding.
Donor Name: County of San Diego
State: California
County: San Diego County (CA)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/23/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The EIG program will focus on supporting community-driven efforts and community-based organizations working in the social and racial justice fields in the following areas:
- education (early childhood through higher/continuing education)
- civic engagement and movement building
- arts, media & culture
- housing, community development & mobility
- public safety & restorative justice
- health and healing
- financial literacy & economic development
- food systems and environmental justice
Throughout the year-long grant period, NPI will provide tailored coaching and resources such as workshops on leadership, nonprofit governance, organizational resiliency and more.
Eligibility Criteria
You’re invited and encouraged to apply if:
- Your organization has 501c(3) status, is fiscally sponsored by a 501c(3) organization, or is a tax-exempt tribal organization.
- Your 501c(3) organization is based and serves communities in the Greater San Diego County (including all tribal and rural communities).
- Your operating expenses are under $500,000 and/or personnel of under five full-time employees.
- Your organization’s mission and/or program(s) align with funding priorities (see above).
- Your organization is helping to build power and/or advance life outcomes among BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities, immigrants, people with disabilities, women, and youth.
- Your organization’s staff and board have lived experience with and are representative of communities they seek to impact such as, low income, housing insecure, food insecure, economically depressed, overpoliced, criminal justice system impacted, and environmental justice communities.
For more information, visit County of San Diego.