The Consolidated Homeless Fund seeks proposals for preventing and responding to homelessness in the State of Rhode Island, including through street outreach and engagement, emergency shelters and low-barrier warming centers, housing navigation, housing problem solving, rapid re-housing, system-wide services, and other innovative projects.
Donor Name: Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD)
State: Rhode Island
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/09/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The State of Rhode Island is invested in the goal of a homeless crisis response system that prevents homelessness whenever possible, and if homelessness occurs, rapidly exits those impacted to permanent housing solutions. As a person-centered system rooted in evidence-based best practices, the system incorporates a Housing First philosophy that is trauma informed and low barrier. As such, proposals submitted through this RFP should ensure that the voice of those with lived expertise in homelessness and strategies around harm reduction, being trauma informed, eliminating barriers, and being housing focused are incorporated into program/project designs. This RFP also challenges agencies to leverage mainstream resources whenever possible to expand and serve additional households. They realize that all individuals served are not eligible for Medicaid services and that Medicaid cannot cover all aspects of services; however, Medicaid funding should be a component of your budget.
Project Types
The CHFP seeks proposals for various homeless projects in response to this RFP from qualified nonprofit organizations or government entities (Vendors) for the following project types/programs:
- Emergency Shelters
- Street Outreach including CES Navigation
- Rapid Re-Housing
- Supportive Services Only
- System-wide and systems projects including Housing Problem Solving
- Warming Centers
- Temporary Seasonal Shelters
- New Permanent Emergency Shelters.
Eligible projects
Proposal submissions are being encouraged through this RFP process for service provision through: Emergency Shelter, Street Outreach, Rapid Rehousing, Housing Problem Solving, Services only when paired with a housing project, and Systems projects.
Funding Information
The CHFP anticipates approximately $4.5 million in funds for the program year of October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025, with approximately $2.5 million for new projects.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be considered:
- Is a nonprofit organization (defined as tax-exempt secular or religious organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code), a governmental or quasi-governmental agency, a Public Housing Authority (PHA) or a Community Action Agency (CAP).
- Has no part of its net earnings inuring to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual.
- Does not have any findings from the State of Rhode Island or HUD that have not been addressed or resolved.
- Has standards of financial accountability that conform to 2 CFR 200.302, ‘Financial Management’ and 2 CFR 200.303, ‘Internal Controls,’ which includes systems and software that allow for effective control over, and accountability for, all funds, property, and other assets.
- Has a functioning accounting system that is operated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or has designated a fiscal agent that will maintain such an accounting system; and
- Has experience administering projects and services that assist people experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability.
For more information, visit OHCD.