The Arts and Foreign Language Education Grant (AFL) is a joint initiative through Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Donor Name: Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA)
State: Illinois
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 12/05/2023
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The purpose of the grant is to support arts and foreign language education in schools, with an emphasis on ensuring that these areas become part of the school’s core curriculum.
Grant Goal
Planning grant funds are for the purpose of developing specific plans for initiating, strengthening, or expanding instruction in the arts or in foreign language. The goal of each Planning Grant is to assist with measuring the effectiveness of the existing arts education or foreign language program, identifying areas for improvement, and establishing a realistic timeline and budget for improving arts education or foreign language instruction. As part of the planning process, grant applicants must identify the necessary components of an instructional program to be added or enhanced and the human, financial, and other resources that will be necessary in order to incorporate components into the affected schools’ curriculum and sustain them when State funding is no longer available.
Planning Assistance Grant
The one-year planning grant is to develop district-based plans for initiating, strengthening, or expanding instruction in the arts or foreign language.
Funding Information
Annual grant awards will not exceed $40,000 depending on programmatic needs, size of district, and level of planning to take place. Total amount of funding available for planning grants in FY 2024 is anticipated to be $440,000.
Grant Period
The grant period will begin no sooner than March 15, 2024, and will extend from the execution date of the grant until November 15, 2024.
Allowable Expenditures
Funds made available under the AFL Planning Assistance Grant must relate directly to the planning activities to be conducted and may be used for:
- Evaluating and aligning curricula with state standards;
- Hiring substitute teachers to allow the planning team to meet during the school day;
- Providing stipends to allow the planning team to meet outside the work day;
- Providing funds to hold district-wide meetings to facilitate articulation from elementary to secondary programs;
- Hiring planning facilitators;
- Hiring a consultant to help with the full planning process of facilitation, evaluation, and planning
- Purchasing supplies and materials related to the planning process;
- Supporting travel related to the planning process; and
- Paying for space rental for planning activities.
Eligibility Criteria
School districts, public university laboratory schools approved by ISBE, charter schools, and area vocational centers are eligible to apply.
For more information, visit IACA.