The Hartford Foundation’s Nonprofit Support Program (NSP) provides comprehensive resources that help nonprofit leaders think strategically, manage, and govern effectively, and connect with other leaders.
Donor Name: Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
State: Connecticut
County: Hartford County (CT), Middlessex Couny (CT), Tolland County (CT)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: All Time
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: 2 Years
The Foundation’s Nonprofit Support Program offers general operating support grants designed for small or all volunteer organizations with annual revenues under $300,000 that have an established record of service to their communities and that meet the eligibility criteria of the Foundation.
This operating support opportunity offers up to $15,000 over a two-year period to support an organization’s stability and institutional strengthening, as outlined in its organizational strategic plans and goals. Organizations must have an established record of service to their communities and meet eligibility criteria of the Foundation. While funding can be used at the organization’s discretion, it is highly encouraged that organizations strategically allocate funding towards operational/organizational strengthening needs.
Grant amount is based on, but not limited to, a.) the % of services/work in the foundation’s funding region, b.) the impact of this grant on the organization’s functional areas, c.) other resources an organization may have for capacity building needs, and d.) fiscal sponsor administrative fees, if applicable. Most grants will not be awarded the full amount of $15,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization or a fiscally sponsored organization by a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
- Must have annual revenues of under $300,000.
- Must have established record of service within communities in the Greater Hartford region.
- Must provide evidence of organizational planning (annual goals, work plan, strategic plan, or another document)
- Preference will be given to organizations whose mission and work aligns with the strategic priorities of the Foundation.
For more information, visit HFPG.