The Pike County Community Foundation is seeking applications for its Community Good Grants Program.
Donor Name: Pike County Community Foundation
State: Indiana
County: Pike County (IN)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/01/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Foundation awards Community Good grants to charitable partners located in or directly serving Pike County. Funding opportunities are available to support a broad range of local needs. Grants are normally given as one-time support of a project but may be considered for additional support, or for expansions or outgrowths of an initial project.
Program Areas Considered For Funding
- Arts and Culture
- Community Development
- Education
- Health
- Human Services
- Other Civic Endeavors (Environment, Recreation, and Youth Development)
Eligibility Criteria
The Community Foundation welcomes funding requests from nonprofit organizations that are deemed tax-exempt under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and from governmental agencies serving the county. Funding requests from nonprofit organizations not classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity may be considered provided the project is charitable and supports a community need. In some cases, organizations without the 501(c)(3) designation may be required to obtain a fiscal sponsor.
Program Areas NOT Considered For Funding
- Religious organizations for religious purposes
- Political parties or campaigns
- Endowment creation or debt reduction
- Operating costs not directly related to the program/project
- Capital campaigns
- Annual appeals or membership contributions
- Travel requests for groups or individuals such as bands, sports teams, or classes
For more information, visit PPCF.