The Henry P. Kendall Foundation provides catalytic support to organizations and leaders in pursuit of greater production and consumption of food sustainably grown and harvested in New England.
Donor Name: Henry P. Kendall Foundation
States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Prize
Deadline: 06/16/2023
Size of the Grant: up to $200,000
The 2023 New England Food Vision Prize will award up to $1 million in awards to projects that build resiliency, relationships, and capacity within New England’s educational institution food supply chain.
Funding Information
Prize awards may range from $25,000 up to $200,000.
Use of Funding
Examples of possible uses of funding include the following:
- Infrastructure investment
- Equipment purchase
- Capacity and staffing
- Training and certification
- Marketing and awareness building
- Revolving Loan Fund
Funding may not be used for:
- The purchase of food
- Endowment
Eligibility Criteria
A primary objective of this program is to foster collaboration and create new ways of working together on shared challenges and goals. At least one educational institution (K-12 or higher education) should be identified as a direct beneficiary of the project. A letter of support will be required from this institution. Primary applicants must be nonprofit organizations or a government agency, including a municipality.
Applicant teams might include:
- Farms / food harvesters / producers
- Food hubs
- Processors
- Network organizations
- Community-based organizations
- Municipal departments/initiatives
- Higher education institutions
- K-12 schools or school districts
- Additional institutions (healthcare, corrections)
While for-profit businesses may participate as project partners, the primary applicant receiving grant funds from the Kendall Foundation must be a nonprofit organization, government entity, or municipality.
- Measurable Impact: In addition to measurable increases in the sourcing of regional food within K-12 or higher education dining programs, this project has the potential to deliver replicable, scalable, or breakthrough solutions that support our region’s march toward the 50×60 vision. It is clear what difference this project will make in the local/regional institutional supply chain and who will benefit as a result.
- Collaborative: Funding would be used to further relationships and collaboration between institutional food procurement/supply chain partner(s) and at least one identified educational institution.
- Regional: A majority of the food associated with the project should be produced in New England.
- Equitable: The project includes specific action to address injustice and inequity in the food system. This includes but is not limited to engaging stakeholders in decision making, incorporating equity commitments in contract and vendor selection, and developing timelines that allow for authentic relationship building.
- Sustainable: There is a clear plan for how the project will be managed during the grant period and how the project will continue beyond the initial grant period.
For more information, visit Henry P. Kendall Foundation.